Wabana Township is governed by an elected Board of three supervisors, one clerk, and one treasurer. Our regular business meeting is conducted on the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Wabana Town Hall, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and stay involved in the health and well-being of our Wabana Township community! Residents are encouraged to contact Clerk, Steve Melin with any agenda items prior to a meeting, or bring up their ideas and concerns at the meeting. From time to time special meetings are scheduled. Notices for these meetings will be published in the Grand Rapids Herald Review, and posted on the Town Hall door.
Board Meetings are held in person at the Township Hall and via Zoom.
MEETING ID: 841 1114 6136
PASSWORD: WabanaMtg2
2025 Schedule:
Township Officers and Staff:
Staff Directory
Name | Function | Phone/e-Mail |
Lloyd Adams | Supervisor | 218-999-9749 Lloyd.adams.wabana@gmail.com |
Deb Kee | Treasurer | 218-326-2115 deb.kee.wabana@gmail.com |
Steve Melin | Clerk | 218-256-5913 wabanatownshipclerk@gmail.com |
Jane Moore | Chair | 563-580-5253 jane.moore.wabana@gmail.com |
Mark Johnson | Deputy Chair | 218-398-6959 mark.johnson.wabana@gmail.com |
Kim Oja | Cemetary Sexton | 218-256-2661 mrso@msn.com |
Carol Speedling | Deputy Clerk | 612-518-8992 |
Ken Aho | Maintenance Ice Rink | 218-256-7230 |