Township Board Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month.

Wabana Township is governed by an elected Board of three supervisors, one clerk, and one  treasurer. Our regular business meeting is conducted on the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Wabana Town Hall, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and stay involved in the health and well-being of our Wabana Township community! Residents are encouraged to contact Clerk, Steve Melin with any agenda items prior to a meeting, or bring up their ideas and concerns at the meeting. From time to time special meetings are scheduled. Notices for these meetings will be published in the Grand Rapids Herald Review, and posted on the Town Hall door. 

Board Meetings are held in person at the Township Hall and via Zoom.

MEETING ID: 841 1114 6136
PASSWORD: WabanaMtg2

2025 Schedule:

Township Officers and Staff:

Staff Directory

Lloyd AdamsSupervisor218-999-9749
Deb KeeTreasurer218-326-2115
Steve MelinClerk218-256-5913
Jane MooreChair563-580-5253
Mark JohnsonDeputy Chair218-398-6959
Kim OjaCemetary Sexton218-256-2661
Carol SpeedlingDeputy Clerk612-518-8992
Ken AhoMaintenance
Ice Rink
Staff Directory

Wabana Town Hall. (Click on image for map)
30980 Clearwater Rd, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(218) 326-4575

Wabana Cemetary Notice

Those of you who have loved ones buried at the Wabana cemetery may have noticed that several grave decorations were taken down after October 1st last year.

They were all put in a tote and stored in the Wabana Garage for the winter.

From May 1st – 31st, the tote with the decorations in it will be by the flag pole at the cemetery.  If you want to re-use your decorations, please get them, and place them during this time.  After May 31st the left overs will be disposed of.

Just a reminder:      CARE OF GRAVESITES

  1. Artificial or live flowers and decorative items must not be placed directly on the ground but should be elevated by some device to simplify mowing and upkeep of the cemetery.
  2. When flowers or decorative items become unsightly, they may be removed by the Wabana Township’s authorized representative at their discretion.  However, it is the responsibility of those who placed the flowers or decorative items to properly care for them.
  3. Flowers and decorative items must be removed from gravesites by September 30th.  Christmas / holiday items must be removed by March 1st.
  4. The planting of trees, shrubs or flowers on gravesites is prohibited.

Also, I would like to plant some different perennials this year in the cemetery gardens.  If you are thinning out your perennial bed this spring and want to donate them, please contact me.

The north garden is more of a shade-type garden while the center garden is full sun.  Just give me a call and I will come get your pretty left-overs.

Kim Oja/ Wabana Cemetery Sexton