Volunteers Needed for the Wabana Recreation Rebuild

Yes, the Recreation Rebuild is Beginning. We need your help with the Community Efforts. After a few years of fundraising and many volunteer hours, the Wabana Recreation rebuild construction is underway. For this, we are looking for community volunteers to help out with a couple of tasks. The first is removal of the tennis court fence which will start on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 9:00 am.

The Goal: Remove the 10’ high fence surrounding existing tennis courts safely. We would like to salvage this fence for future use. Once the fence tie downs have been removed, roll fence into manageable sections for storage. Store the fence per the on-site supervisor’s guidance.

What is needed for this effort you ask? Need approximately 10 volunteers. If you have them, bring 8-foot ladder, side cutters, metal cutting portable grinder, pliers, work gloves, hard hats, work boots and wear your favorite pair of safety glasses (there will be glasses on site if you need them).

Also, on site will be: Water and cups, First Aid Kit and a fire extinguisher. Also, all volunteers will need to fill out a Volunteer Service Agreement before starting work – refer to attachment below. Once the fence is removed, a crew will be hired to remove the concrete and the hockey rink. The second community build effort will be in late July / early August to assist with the assembly of the new playground equipment in the old tennis court area.

Please contact Pam Friesen (pammyfriesen@gmail.com) to let her know your availability.

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