Wabana Planning Commission Mission Statement:
To preserve and strengthen the quality of lakes, waterways and the surrounding environment for all the residents and property owners of Wabana township.
Documents & Updates:
- Planning Commission
- Planning Commission Responsibilities
- Comprehensive Plan Presentation
- Wabana Comprehensive Plan – Rev A
- Shoreline Management Ordinance
- Wabana-Itasca County Responsibilities
- Fee Schedule Ordinance
- Planning related Posts
1. Review and assess Wabana Township Ordnance 101, and make recommendations to the Wabana Township Board in regard to that Assessment.
2. Develop shoreland overlay rules and regulations that would best work with the mission of the committee. This would be from a water quality and economic standpoint.
3. To develop and strengthen the working relationship with the Itasca County Board of Commissioners and Environmental Services.
4. To formalize the relationship with the Wabana Chain of Lakes Association (WCOLA).
5. Develop a long-term comprehensive Land Use Plan. That plan would address and identify a multitude of local zoning concerns including water surface zoning within the Township moving forward. (For more information about the Plan, see Presentation below.)
Wabana Planning Commission:
Steve Bjerke, Kathy Gregerson, Paul Shaffer, Carol Speedling, Open posting
The Planning Commission makes recommendations related to zoning and land use to the Wabana Town Board. If you have questions concerning the Wabana Township Shoreland Ordinance, contact Kathy Gregerson via email at kathrengregerson@gmail.com.
Establishing Township Roads
The following information is provided for Wabana Township residents interested in the Township establishing a road. One way a Township Road can be established is by petition. It should be understood that it is the responsibility of the petitioners/landowners to finance the cost of bringing the road up to spec, including survey requirements and related legal review costs as a part of the petition review process and prior to any Township action. The following describes the necessary components of a petition:
“Upon a petition signed by at least eight voters of the town who own land within three miles of the road. (Minn. Stat. § 164.07, subd. 1) (See Attachment 1a)
- The petition may be by fewer people if there are not eight resident owners within the three mile area. If the board accepts as complete a petition with less than eight signers, the board should set out in the minutes of the meeting that it determined that there are less than eight resident owners living within three miles of the road.
- The petition must include a description of the road and the portion to be altered or vacated. A petition to establish a road must include the names of the owners of land over which the road passes and the road’s point of beginning, the general course, and termination.
- The petition to establish or alter a road must also contain a statement of the purpose and necessity for establishing or altering a road.”
Additional information provided by the Minnesota Association of Townships:
For more information, you may contact the Township Clerk.